Jackson Hole Flower Farm logo

Want Local Flowers?

Find our flowers at a few local shops like Graze Home and Garden, or sign up for weekly flower delivery. We’re also available for small weddings and events from June to September.



Find our flowers at Graze Home and Garden shop in Jackson. And sometimes we’re at the People’s Market, a Wednesday farmers market in Jackson,
4-7pm at the Center for the Arts.

Weddings and Events

Growing and arranging for small weddings and events is a highlight of the summer. Send us an email if you’re looking for flowers for an upcoming event.

Weekly Delivery

Interested in our CSA? Every summer we do 10-weeks of flower delivery to residences and offices around Jackson. We grow, pick, arrange, and deliver with a vase for $100 per week. Then we switch out the vase every week for ten weeks (July - September)

Specific flower request?
Send us an email